February 2025
Please click on the link below for Exciting Senior Center News!

Sip and Paint with Becky Patterson
Antionette Watts- Senior Center Director
Place check our Facebook page for frequent updates

The Facility is for senior citizens 60 and up to participate in organized recreational programs. These programs include but are not limited to: exercise classes, monthly group meetings, special events, escorted trips, art/craft activities and group card/board games. The facility contains several activity areas including a dining area that will accommodate about 200 people for special events. A 25-passenger Senior Center bus is also available to the seniors for day trips.
Meals on Wheels
Are provided to eligible older adults or other eligible participants at the client’s place of residence. Each meal complies with Dietary Guidelines for Americans and provides at least 33.3 % of the DRI for each meal. Frozen meals are available for weekends and holidays and shelf-stable meals are provided annually prior to the winter weather season to ensure each homebound client will have a meal in the event of inclement weather or other emergency situations when the regular meal cannot be delivered. Meal delivery is coordinated through the senior center For specific delivery information, call the Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging at 678-552-2838 or toll free at 1-866-854-5652.
If you or someone you know would like to sign up for meals on wheels or to become a member of the center, please call
770-358-5361 or 678-967-1230
Antionette Watts- Senior Center Director
Place check our Facebook page for frequent updates
Silver Sneakers
Silver Sneakers is a health and fitness program designed for adults 65+ that’s included with many Medicare Plans. You can join Silver Sneakers during the annual enrollment period for Medicare (October 15 – December 7). When you’re ready to apply/sign up for Medicare Benefits, make sure Silver Sneakers is included when selecting a Medicare Plan. If you already have Silver Sneakers go to
https://tools.silversneakers.com/Eligibility/GetCard, to get your instant Silver Sneakers card online.
” Start your journey to a healthier life by joining Wellness Workshops at WW Studio at Lamar County Senior Services Center . During the meeting you’ll meet people like you who are transforming everyday by making changes to eat well, move more, and connect with others. All sessions will be led by a Wellness Coach who has been in your shoes. Join and find out how WW has helped millions of members lose weight and have happier lives. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 6PM please not meeting times may change. Get the latest times and offers, sign up for our new WW Freestyle program, and find out more info on our Weight Watchers website. ”
Contact Information
Senior Center Director
Antionette Watts
106 Veterans Drive
Barnesville, Ga. 30204
“Come Visit Us in Barnesville, Georgia!”